Village Green Chiropractic is a family operated office that provides patients with a holistic approach to care. The goal of care is to achieve a more effective life, to restore & maintain full function, & well-being.
Entails a thorough comprehensive history and chiropractic examination, which may include x-rays.
Here at Village Green Chiropractic we focus on the human body and how it functions by using a variety of chiropractic and soft tissue techniques. These techniques address dysfunction in the bones/joints/muscles of the spine and extremities. These techniques include chiropractic adjustments, soft tissue mobilization, corrective exercises, DOT physicals, and physical modalities.

3600 Dallas Highway Suite 120 Marietta, Ga 30064
Tel: 770-424-3331
Tel: 770-424-3332
Fax: 770-424-1161

M, W, Th: 9 am-6pm
Tues: 10 am-7pm
Closed Fri, Sat, Sun
Lunch M-Th: 1pm-2pm